On downloading, you’ll get the videos in. You will find no-copyright video clips from various categories such as architecture, fashion, people, places, travel and with different effects including slow motion, time-lapse and animations.
These videos are royalty free and can even be used for free in commercial projects. They also have a huge library of CC0 licensed HD and 4K videos contributed by videographers from around the world. Pixabay is one of our top free image sites that we go to when we need images for our own work. Always make sure you read the terms and conditions regarding their usage before downloading stock videos and footages from these sites. Most of these video sites offer watermark-free videos and stock footages. While some require you to give attribution.
Some of these sites offer royalty free videos that you can download and use in commercial projects for free. In this post, we bring to you a collection of websites where you can find high quality free stock videos and footages to create an immersive visual experience in your own web design projects. Not only do these videos engage visitors and improve user retention time on a website, they also add a ‘wow’ factor to the overall look of the site and leave users with a unique and memorable experience. Using video backgrounds in website headers has emerged as a popular trend in web design. These looping video clips add more dynamism to a web page as compared to standard images.